Friday 10 April 2020

Good Friday: From cross to tomb

The second part of a service of readings and prayers using the Gospel of Mark.

You might like to follow the link to listen to the hymn: 
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Singing the Faith 280)

Some prayers of intercession and petition.

On this Good Friday
We give thanks for Jesus
Our Saviour.

In these times of great concern
we pray today for all those who are
worried about loved ones.

We pray especially for those who 
have family that are ill
or who have recently died.
Surround then with your love.

We pray for all front line workers
giving thanks for their skills and dedication.
Protect them at the this time and when
they are wearied by all they have to do
give them strength.

We hold before you those parts of the 
world where the present situation has 
made worse the needs already there.

And finally we pray for ourselves.
When we are feeling low, 
lift us up in your love. 
When we are uncertain what to do, 
guide us by your spirit.

As we travel on from toady may we
feel your presence with us
now and for ever.


Here is a modern song that in our present times you might find helpful.

You might like to finish with this version of the hymn: 
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Singing the Faith 287) Click the link below.


  1. Thank you, thank you so much Tim for this service

  2. Hi Janet. So glad it has been of help. Every blessing.
