This morning I was at a meeting chaired by our Superintendent to discuss the present situation. After careful thought and consideration it was decided to suspend all activities on church premises for the time being. The only exceptions will be if premises are needed to enable government strategies. We did consider opening for a while for prayer on a Sunday but in order to follow government guidelines faithfully decided against this too. Face to face visiting will also not be possible at this time so I will use other ways of keeping in touch such as telephone, email, text and in written form. If you want a chat please do feel free to phone me. My mobile number will now go on the notice sheet.
With all that it going on it could be easy to get a bit fed up and that is understandable. Doing something to take your mind off things can sometimes help. On a recent retreat looking at the Book of Lamentations I felt the urge to do a bit of watercolour painting. Below is what I produced based on Lamentations 3.23-24 . OK so it is not up to the standard of some, but I enjoyed myself. With the time we all might have on our hands perhaps having a dabble with some paints could be worth considering.
I leave you today with those verses from Lamentations:

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
his mercies never
come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Keep safe and God bless
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