"Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight." ( Luke 12: 6 CSB)
The other morning I woke up early , around 4am, and as I could not get back to sleep decided to go downstairs and make myself a drink. As I waited for the kettle to boil I heard from outside a chorus of birdsong, it was beautiful and unexpected. It is that time of year where we seem again to be having blackbirds nesting in our small garden. Blue tits will hopefully return to the the nesting box we have up , and just the other day we saw some robins hopping about on the wall. These are all God's creatures, wonderfully made, and I wonder if at times like these they can bring us some joy in the day. Have a look out of your window, what birds do you see? Step into the garden and listen, what birdsong do you hear? Then remember that all you see and hear is part of God's marvellous creation. The same creative God who does not forget the sparrows, will surely not forget us.
Creative God
We give you thanks for
around us;
the songs of the birds;
the colours of the garden.
Help us to appreciate what
we see and what we hear.
We pray today
for those who work
to keep us safe, keep them safe.
For those who are
sad or anxious,
that they may feel your presence
in the beauty of creation.
In the name of Jesus
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