As I set off for a walk to get today's paper my attention is drawn to two things that make me pause to give thanks. The first is a splash of yellow on green as I notice the batches of daffodils that have sprung up in the small wood near to where we live. Every year without fail this happens, no matter what else goes on. It reminds me of the story of Jeremiah when at the time when all was lost in Jerusalem he was told by God to go and buy a field, for "the God of Israel, says: Houses, fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land.’ (Jeremiah 32:15 NIV). This was and is a sign of hope for the future. With the recent decision to shut pubs, bars, cafes, gyms and the like and the concern over peoples jobs and well-being as a result, finding hope may not always be easy. It is at times when it is not easy that our faith assures us that God is with us. We may not be able to buy a field but if we have a garden perhaps we could plant something that will sprout up in the months ahead, this could be our way of expressing hope for tomorrow. Or if not that just keep an eye out for plants and flowers growing and bringing new life.

The second cause for thanks was seeing a neighbour returning home from work. He drives a lorry for a large supermarket and I know that he would have been out all night making deliveries to ensure stores remain supplied with what we need. He and many like him,often unseen are doing an important job and so let us give thanks for them and pray that they will be kept safe at this time.
Tomorrow I am hoping to be able to post a short service on video but for today
I leave you with this prayer.
May the Lord abundantly bless your
hopes and dreams, bring blessing
out of your trials and challenges,
and bless others through your
hands and heart.
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