Friday 20 March 2020

School's Out!

When I was at school a popular song of the time was "School's Out" by Alice Cooper. At the end of year discos ( remember those?) it would often be played and we would all join in with gusto when it got the the part " School's out FOREVER". Well who would have believed it? For many today this has become true sooner than expected, and whilst for others it will not be forever it certainly is for the foreseeable future.  But of course not all schools will be closed. Many will stay open in some form to provide care for the children of key workers. For this to happen staff at those schools will need to go in to run them to ensure young people are cared for properly. So on this day there are perhaps a range of people we can think about and pray for. These include the young people who will not be going to school. Those who might be concerned because of examination cancellations. Those who will miss the opportunity of a celebration with  school friends and the chance to sing whatever the equivalent of "School's Out" is today. Then there are those who will be still be going to school next week and the staff who will look after them. No doubt we will all know someone who falls into these categories, maybe we can especially hold them in our prayers today and in the time ahead until our schools fully reopen.

Many children will now be learning at home. Perhaps we might like to learn at home too by reading a book or doing an online course. Perhaps even doing a study of a book of the Bible.

Psalm 32:8 says this:

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. (NIV)

May we all take this opportunity to learn from and of God assured that his loving eye keeps watch over us.

God bless


  1. I am re-reading each day's and then the new one, thank you Tim for this, Janet A

  2. Hi Janet Thanks for reading,hope it is of some support, take care. Tim
