It was a rarefied atmosphere in the chapel of Jesus College Oxford when at a communion service I heard these words as part of the Old Testament reading. I was seventeen and during that service I felt such an assurance of God's call I could only later describe it as my warming of the heart experience, to use John Wesley's term. It was part of my journey of faith that was to lead to ordination and continues today, relying on God's grace day by day. We are all I believe called by God in some way. In these times we might be asking what am I called to? Perhaps part of the answer to that is that we are called to be faithful, faithful in our belief in a God who is still there, even when it is not so evident, faithful in our prayers, even when we may wonder if they are heard. In recent days many have heard the call to volunteer to help in the NHS. This is marvellous and I cannot help but think that God is at work through this. I also feel that God has been, and is at work in what so many in our churches have done and continue to do to support each other. Getting shopping and prescriptions, having a chat on the phone, writing a letter or card. These are some of the ways we can fulfil our call as God's people.
It was some years after my Oxford experience that my daughter had been to Oxford for a few days. On her return she said she had gone looking for Jesus College and then gave me a mug she had bought. On it was the crest of the college, as I received this thoughtful gift once more, but perhaps in a different way, my heart was strangely warmed.
Dear God
Help us to use the
gifts and graces
you have given
to fulfil our calling.
We thank you for those who have volunteered to help the NHS.
We especially thank you for those who work in the NHS and care sector looking after the most ill and vulnerable
at this time.
May your hand of protection
be on them;
May they get what they need
to keep safe so they can care for others.
This we ask in the name of Jesus
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